T-Bone Accident Claims
Las Vegas, Nevada
T-boned or side-impact collisions
T-bone accidents are some of the most devastating in all car accidents. It can affect both drivers and passengers and in both cars. The result of the t-bone crush can be a spin or even a rollover. The airbags do not significantly reduce the impact of the t-bone collision.
While no attorney can reverse the tragic event of a T-bone accident, we can help you get financial compensation to pay for your medical bills and other damages.
Call us at 702-432-1000 to discuss your case and ask to speak with our attorney, who handles the T-bone accident cases.
Your consultation will be free and informative.
T-boned meaning
A T-bone collision happens when the two vehicles involved are perpendicular to each other, so the angle formed by the two cars is 90 degrees - like the shape of a letter "T."
T-bone collisions, also known as broadside collisions or side-impact crashes, are frequent in intersections when one driver fails to yield the right-of-way or stop at a red light or stop sign.
What causes the T-bone accident?
Typically, the cause of the T-bone crash is running through a stop sign or red light. Also, distracted driving (driving and texting or looking at the cell phone), drunk driving, speeding, failure to yield while taking a right-hand or left-hand turn could cause a T-bone accident.
Disputed liability
The T-bone accident cases often have disputed liability. It means it is hard to establish fault. Witnesses help. Sometimes the light sequence for a traffic intersection helps. Sometimes the negligent driver admits their mistake.
And sometimes it's a straight-up "he-said; she-said."
The official police report might be critical in determining fault because it includes details about the collision and information if the driver broke local ordinances. Also, traffic camera footage and nearby businesses' surveillance footage can help to establish fault.
Who is liable for damages?
In Nevada, the negligent party is financially responsible for all damages. It includes the past, present, and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damages.
Multi-car T-bone accident cases
There are usually enough witnesses to piece together what happened in a multiple car accident. Most car accidents are chains, which means Vehicle-1 hits Vehicle-2 hits Vehicle-3.
Multiple car accidents take longer to resolve, and there are policy limit issues, but we can establish the liability reasonably quickly.
T-boned while stopped
Each accident case is different, but the moving vehicle is at fault in most cases. The stopped cars usually are not responsible for accidents (although sometimes they are). For more information or what to do in your case, call us at 702-432-1000 to speak with an attorney.
When a truck is involved
The outcome of the T-bone collision when a commercial truck is involved in an accident can be devastating. It almost always results in severe injuries, and victims may require long-term medical care. If you or your family member become injured in a T-bone truck accident, you need to hire the best attorney you can find to protect your rights and negotiate a fair and full settlement.
Time limits to bring a case
In Nevada, you have two (2) years to file a personal injury claim. It includes T-bone accident injuries.
There are some exceptions to this rule. Call us if you need more information.
If you were partially at fault
Nevada accepts the modified comparative negligence rules. It means that if the plaintiff was less than 51% responsible for the T-bone accident, they could get a settlement from all other at-fault parties. It also means that if you are partially responsible for the crash, you may get compensated for your medical bills and other losses, but the smaller amount.
Calculating the percentage is not always easy. Often, only the jury can determine the percentage of fault and the fair settlement amount. In cases when the plaintiff is responsible for more than 51% of the accident, they won't be able to recover anything.
T-bone car accident settlements
Injuries after a T-bone accident can be very severe. Many clients ask, "What is the typical T-bone accident settlement in Las Vegas and Nevada?" Many variables go into calculating the settlement amount.
First, there are medical bills, including past, current, and in some cases, future medical bills and the cost of long-term medical care.
Second, there are property damages (e.g., your damaged car).
Third, since the client often can't work after the accident, compensation is for lost wages.
Fourth, a certain amount is paid to compensate for pain and suffering.
Finally, the insurance policy limit plays an essential role in an accident settlement.
We can assure you that our attorneys do everything in their power to get a full and fair accident compensation for all our clients.
Can I re-open an old T-bone accident claim in Las Vegas, Nevada?
Usually not. After you cashed the settlement check from the insurance company or signed and turned in the release, you can't always re-open the t-bone accident case.
However, starting from October 1, 2019, the personal injury victim can take back a prior agreement with the insurance company and re-open the case under certain conditions. For more information, call our office.
We can help
Our law firm regularly handles T-bone accident cases in Las Vegas and Nevada.
We take all T-bone injury claims on a contingency basis. If we cannot get your settlement money, we don't get paid, and you don't owe us anything.
To speak with a T-bone accident attorney, call us at 702-432-1000.
We represent clients in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Summerlin, Henderson, Clark County, and Nevada.