How to Change Attorneys in Las Vegas, Nevada
Having trouble with your attorney?
There are a lot of reasons clients are upset with their attorneys.
Below are just a few reasons why people want to change attorneys:
- The attorney doesn't call you back
- There is no progress on a case
- Nobody is working on a case
- You never get to speak to the attorney; the only paralegal
- You can't communicate with an attorney; no chemistry
Although there are many reasons why a person would want to switch attorneys, there is only one way to do it: Hire another attorney.
When you inform your new attorney that a previous attorney was handling your case, the new attorney will file a Substitution of Attorney with the court.
What if a lawsuit hasn't been filed yet? Your new attorney will send a letter to the old attorney telling him that you have hired another lawyer.
How to stop your old lawyer from calling you
Absent unusual circumstances, your former attorney should never try to contact you after they have learned you have a new attorney.
You tell your new attorney right away if they try to contact you.
Can I get a refund from my old attorney?
Changing attorneys is much easier than getting an attorney to refund you.
The problem is that no attorney can accept your payment based on the promise of a result.
In other words, if you hired an attorney to acquire some land, that attorney cannot take your money on the promise that they will get you that land.
This means that your payment is only for the attorney to do the work.
Many attorney-client relationships go sour because the client expects a result.
It is always vital that you and your attorney are on the same page regarding expectations.
Have realistic expectations
A good attorney will make sure you understand what he can and cannot do.
A good attorney will never promise a result but always fight for the best outcome possible.
If you have more specific questions, don't hesitate to contact Heshmati & Associates law firm.
The attorneys at Heshmati & Associates concentrate on criminal defense and personal injury cases. Read about criminal defense and personal injury case results.
The firm is located in downtown Las Vegas at 515 S. 7th Street.
Our direct line is 702-432-1000.
Payment plans are available.
Attorneys at Heshmati & Associates represent clients in Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Clark County, and throughout Nevada.