Home Invasion / Breaking and Entering Crimes
Las Vegas, Nevada

What is a home invasion?

Home Invasion / Breaking and Entering Crime in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Breaking and entering/home invasion is commonly defined as the illegal entry of an individual into a home, by day or night, by the use of force and without permission of the owner, resident, or lawful occupant, whether or not a person is present at the time.

If you have been charged with a home invasion in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, or Henderson, the consequences of a conviction may be devastating.

It is imperative for you to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney who will property and skillfully represent you throughout the criminal process.

Home invasion charges are considered very malicious and are therefore prosecuting quite aggressively.

Home invasion charges: Penalties

Because home invasion is considered a high-level felony, the consequences of being convicted of this crime almost always include imprisonment. A person convicted of the invasion of the home is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 10 years.

NRS Chapter 205.067 covers the home invasion laws and penalties in Nevada.

Classification Penalty
Category B Felony Not less than 1 year, and no more than 10 years in prison plus $10,000 fine.
Category B Felony (firearms involved) Not less than 2 years, and no more than 15 years in prison plus $10,000 fine.

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A good criminal defense attorney may be able to reduce a breaking and entry charge to a misdemeanor. If the crime is reduced to a misdemeanor, the potential consequences may consist of significant fines, including compensation to the victims for damages or losses, court-ordered counseling, house arrest, community service, probation, or parole.

Home invasion charges: Aggravating factors

If related aggravating factors are applied to your breaking and entry charge, the penalty would be increased. The aggravating factors in home invasion include:

  • Using force and destroying somebody's home while entering the property
  • Theft of valuable goods (jewelry, computer equipment, etc.)
  • Injuring residents of the property
  • Using a firearm

Home invasion charges: Defenses

Here is the list of defenses attorneys often use in a vandalism/home invasion case:

  • Mistaken identity. The victim identified the wrong person.
  • Alibi. You were in a place where many people saw you.
  • Permission. The owner permitted you to enter the property.
  • Unlocked door. The homeowner opened the door, or the door was already unlocked, and the accused didn't have to use force to open the door.
  • Police misconduct. Police didn't follow the protocol during the investigation, and the evidence against you is not admissible in court.

Home invasion vs. trespassing

Home invasion is different from trespassing. Trespassing is the crime of being on the property of another person you have been previously kicked off of. The NRS Chapter 207.200 covers the Nevada trespassing laws.

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Home invasion vs. robbery

In simple words, robbery is a use of force or the threat of force to steal another person's property. NRS Chapter 200.380 explains the Nevada robbery laws. Our article "Facing Robbery Charges in Las Vegas. Nevada" provides more insides to robbery charges.

Home invasion vs. vandalism

In general, vandalism can be defined as "deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." It can include home invasion/breaking and entering, but vandalism is a different charge. Read our article "Vandalism Charges in Nevada" for more information.

We can help

If you or somebody you know has been charged with home invasion/breaking or entry in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas or Henderson, it is essential to understand what your legal rights are.

The sooner we begin looking into your case's specific facts, the more time we have to build a solid legal defense.

The more time that goes by in a criminal case without protection from a good Las Vegas attorney, the harder it may be to secure the best possible results.

Don't wait. We offer free criminal case consultations.

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Our number is 702-432-1000.

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Phone: 702-432-1000

Fax: 702-446-6776

Heshmati & Associates
515 S. 7th Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101-6903

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